Behnaz Khoshnood

Junior Full Stack Developer

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Medicine and coding are so different, yet so similar.
After high school, I started my university in medicine. There I learned to focus, pay attention to details, find and solve problems.
Good communication and teamwork are also go a long way, both for medicine and coding.
The reason that I decided to change my career to coding is the differences between coding and medicine.
There is more chance for trial and error in coding.
That makes the coder more daring and creative; and coding more fun, like a game! Did I mention that I love games?
Coding opened my eyes to a new world. I'm passionate and eager to learn more and more in this branch.


  • Puzzle Solver
  • Creative
  • Team Worker
  • Logical Mindset
  • Social


  • Board Games
  • Video Games
  • Movies and Series
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Theater